In Land One, you’ll register in a 17-credit timetable that runs over two terms and includes the following courses:
Term 1 |
Term 2 |
BIOL 121 (3 credits) |
LFS/FRST 150 (3 credits) |
MATH 180 (4 credits) |
LFS/FRST 101 (3 credits) |
LFS/FRST 110 (4 credits)
You’ll be able to plug your electives and other required courses of your degree program to complete your course load.
Students registering in the Land One Program are expected to take the complete set of Land One courses. The only allowable exceptions are that you may drop or substitute ONLY ONE of the following courses (either BIOL 121, MATH 180, FRST/LFS 101 or LFS/FRST 150) if you have been assigned transfer credit for any of these courses through your IB, AP, A-Level or post-secondary coursework.
All majors/programs in the Faculty of Forestry and the Faculty of Land and Food Systems allow for the Land One timetable to meet first-year degree requirements, however, you are responsible for meeting all the remaining degree requirements in your program. Land One’s 17-credit timetable leaves space for you to take other courses in first year and build your own program path within your home Faculty and across campus.
We strongly recommend you check in with your faculty’s Student Services team to ensure you’re lining things up correctly for your second year.