You’ve had an awesome first-year experience. So what’s next?
We know: Land One is a tough act to follow. Lucky for you, you’ve still got a lot to look forward to in Forestry and LFS. After Land One, you’ll continue in your degree program with a better sense of how to get the most out of your university experience. You’ll have meaningful relationships with a bunch of other students on campus. You’ll be primed for academic excellence in years two, three and four. And you’ll have a more focused sense of purpose.
Here’s what’s in store after Land One if you’re a Forestry student:
Forestry Undergraduate Student Services houses a group of highly educated, dedicated individuals to help you with a variety of academic, career, and personal issues. The Student Services Centre is located in FSC (Forest Sciences Centre) room 2609.
Office: Forestry Student Services, Room 2609, Faculty of Forestry, 2424 Main Mall, Vancouver (UBC Campus)
Phone: 604-822-1834 (Toll-free: 1-888-933-9663)
Fax: 604-822-8645
And if you’re in LFS:
The world is facing some big challenges. Our students are developing the skills to make visible changes, studying real-world issues like obesity, food security and climate change through our undergraduate programs.
Office: LFS Student Services, Room 344, H R MacMillan Building, 2357 Main Mall (UBC’s Vancouver campus)
Phone: 604-822-2620