Apply Now

Apply Now

Ready to join Land One? Great! Here’s how it works:

Students must first be admitted to the Faculty of Land and Food Systems or the Faculty of Forestry. Consult the Admission section for details on applying to the Faculty of Land and Food Systems or the Faculty of Forestry at UBC.

Once you pass this first admission process, please check if you have the following information ready for your application:

  • Biology 11 or 12 (or equivalent) grade
  • Mathematics 12 or Pre-calculus 12 (or equivalent)
  • BC English 12 (or equivalent) grade
  • A letter of intent stating why you are interested in the Land One program and how you will contribute to the Land One community (no more than 500 words)

Please report your final grade, when available. For all courses that will be completed by June 2025, please report your in-progress grade. If you haven’t taken the prerequisite courses above, you can still apply for Land One but must complete the prerequisite courses through summer school or distance education before Land One starts in September.

Apply Now

Complete the online Land One application form here.

Admission deadline: May 15, 2025 (with a decision on your application by early/mid June)

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Land One require additional fees?
There is an additional fee of $250 that will be charged for covering the 2-day field trip cost to Malcolm Knapp Research Forest. No additional fees are charged for being part of the Land One program.

Note: In person field trips crucially depend on current UBC, provincial, and federal public health recommendations. You won’t be charged the $250 field trip fee unless the trip occurs, and you attend it.

Does Land One accept AP or IB grades as prerequisites?
Yes, please refer to here for course conversions.

How do I register for courses in Land One?
All courses part of the Land One program (i.e. Biol 121, LFS/FRST 101, etc.) will have designated “sections” available for you (and only for Land One students!) to register in. You can find a list of Land One courses on the website here. For example, you will search for Biol 121 in the course finder and look for Biol 121, section 125. Section 125 is exclusively limited to Land One students, so you won’t have to worry about other students taking your spot!

How do I register for non-Land One courses?
Registration for your non-Land One courses will occur as if you were any other student; you will first select the courses that are required for your major (talk with someone in your faculty’s Student Services team if you have any doubts) and what optional electives you would like to take. You can browse the course browser to see some options as well. Once you decide on the courses you would like to take, make sure there are no scheduling conflicts with any of your Land-One courses, and then simply register!

Can I drop Land One courses?
Land One students are expected to take the complete set of Land One courses. The only allowable exceptions are that you may drop or substitute ONLY ONE of the following courses (either BIOL 121, MATH 180, FRST/LFS 101 or FRST/LFS 150) if you have been assigned transfer credit for any of these courses through your IB, AP, A-Level or post-secondary coursework. If you decide that you would like to drop more than 1 course, you would not be able to continue to be a part of the Land One cohort.

Apply Now

Application Deadline
May 15, 2025
Start Date
September, 2025